Tips for students to adapt to Online Learning

Amid the COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent lock down, colleges and universities across the globe have resorted to online teaching. As most institutions move classes online for spring and summer semesters, and possibly fall semester, students are trying to adjust to the virtual environment. A few tips to help students adapt to the new “normal”:


Get serious about Online Learning

Follow a routine as if you are physically going to campus. Don’t get tempted to wake up minutes before it is time to log into your course. Be fresh when you log in. Be sure to follow your syllabus. Dress appropriately.


Make a Time Table and stick to it

Schedule dedicated study hours even though you are not in a class room. Set aside time to participate in the class and work on your coursework. Finish and submit home work and assignments on time- don’t miss out on any due dates or deadlines. Hold yourself accountable for the work you need to complete.


Ensure  reliable internet connectivity

Reliable internet connectivity at a decent speed will allow dependable access to your online learning environment. Beat technology glitches and power outages  by consistently saving your assignments. Use free resources that allow you to store your documents in the cloud and autosave while you work.


Set up a dedicated work space

Establish a dedicated work space for your online course and study. It should be quiet, well-lit and free from distractions. Have all supplies like pens, papers, textbooks, etc. within reach. If you have to work in a public space, have headphones for listening. Make sure you have chargers and power outlets within reach.


Engage and participate

Engage in group discussions and try and foster engagement with your classmates. Ask questions, read all related mails, be active in the course. Dress professionally, if you have to make a presentation


Communicate with your instructor

Understand from your instructor his mode of communication with you and how he has set up the course. Be sure of how and what times the classes will be held, what materials are needed, and how you are expected to communicate with your classmates.


Have clarity on course expectations

Check if the course is synchronous and requires you to login with the rest of your classmates. Or, if it is asynchronous where you can learn on your own time. Have clarity on the expectations that have been set.  Don’t hesitate to reach out to the instructors with questions.


Leverage your network

Instructors encourage you to participate actively and work together with classmates to complete assignments and lessons. Engage in group work. Set up study groups to review material together using Zoom or FaceTime.


Pay attention to your health

Make sure that you take breaks, and have healthy snacks and water handy while you’re studying. It is critical to take care of yourself both mentally and physically.


The current situation will not last for long and you will be back on campus at some point. The adaptability and resilience you develop now will help you for the rest of your life.


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