What is SAT?
Website: www.collegeboard.org
All about SAT
SAT Exam Administrator: The SAT is developed and administered by the US-based “College Entrance Examination Board”. This implies that Collegeboard sets the questions, conducts the test, and sends each examinee the score report.
SAT Exam- Skills Tested: Writing
Critical Reading
Subject Content
SAT Exam Registration: Online
SAT Exam Score Range: 200 – 800 in 10 point increments on two sections
Total 400 – 1600 for Critical Reading & Mathematics
0 – 24 in one point increments
For Essay Writing
SAT Exam Dates
SAT Exam Dates India: In India, SAT exam dates are available 6 time a year. SAT is offered on the first Saturday of the month for the October, November, December, May, and June administrations, and the last Saturday for the January administration.
SAT Exam Dates USA: In the US, SAT exam dates are available in the following 7 months: January, March, May, June, October, November and December
SAT with Essay – USD 54.50
Other Fees include
SAT Fee Details | Amount |
SAT Phone Registration – only if registered previously | USD 15 |
SAT Rescheduling Fees | USD 28 |
SAT Late Registration | USD 28 |
SAT Waitlist Fee | USD 46 |
SAT Additional Report | USD 11.25 |
SAT Rush Report – First – Class mail / Electronic | USD 31 |
SAT Scores by Phone – if registered | USD 15 |
SAT Archived Scores | USD 31 |
SAT Question Answer Service | USD 18 |
SAT Student Answer Service | USD 13.50 |
SAT Multiple Choice Verification | USD 55 |
SAT Essay Score Verification | USD 55 |
SAT Scores used by: Most Universities / Colleges offering undergraduate programs in the United States
Call ILW at 9820864001 to ask any questions
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What is PSAT?
PSAT is offered by?
The PSAT is jointly offered by the College Board and the National Merit Scholarship Corporation.
How does PSAT help?
As the ‘preliminary’ indicates, PSAT can be taken before the main SAT test exam. It serves two main purposes: 1. PSAT helps a student to prepare for the main SAT and 2. PSAT allows the opportunity to win a scholarship for higher studies
What does PSAT involve?
- The PSAT is like the SAT in terms of syllabus. However, it is a much shorter test. Its duration is a mere 2 hours 10 minutes
- This multiple choice questions based test consists of 5 sections: 2 Critical Reading, 2 Mathematics, and 1 Writing.
- It does NOT have an Essay component.
How long is the PSAT test?
- PSAT lasts for 2 hours and 10 mins
- Each of the Critical Reading sections is 25 minutes long and consists of 24 questions that include sentence completion and reading comprehension question
- Both of the Mathematics sections are 25 minutes long. However, the number of questions vary. One section has 20 multiple choice questions and the other section comprises 8 multiple choice questions and 10 student-produced-responses, also known as Grid-Ins
- The sole Writing section is 30 minutes long and poses 39 questions in all
Is PSAT compulsory?
No. It is however taken by many students as an opportunity to practice before the main SAT test arrives. Besides, since it provides an opportunity to gain a scholarship, many students are inclined to take the PSAT
PSAT is held how many times?
The PSAT is administered just twice in a year
Who administers PSAT?
Only high schools administer the PSAT test
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SAT – Format & Timing
SAT Exam Structure
- SAT Exam – Math
The Math Section is based on the syllabus; students would generally study till grade 10. Students need not worry on the difficulty of the questions as long as the base is strong. Quick pointers for solving the Math section for SAT I Exam
- Total Duration – 80 Minutes
- 45 standard multiple choice questions in two different sections
- 13 Grid-in Questions in two different sections
- One 25 Minute Section (No Calculator)
- One 55 Minute Section (Calculator)
- Content – Algebra, Passport to advanced Math, Problem Solving & Data Analysis
- SAT Exam – Critical Reading
The critical reading test in SAT is designed to test your reading and understanding English Language. Again here all the students have to ensure their basics are strong.
- 65 Minutes of total time allotted
- 52 standard multiple choice questions
- 3250 words from 4 single passages and 1 pair; 500 750 words per passage.
- Emphasis on Words in Context, Command of Evidence, includes informational graphics
- SAT Exam – Writing
The Writing test in SAT is also designed to test you ability with proficiency in English language.
- 35 Minutes of total time allotted
- 44 standard multiple choice questions
- 1700 words from 4 passages ; 400-450 words per passage
- Emphasis on Words in Context, Command of Evidence, includes informational graphics
- SAT Exam ESSAY (Optional)
The Essay section has undergone complete transformation in terms of the topic to be presented. Instead of presenting an argument on philosophical quotes, students are now expected to analyze the given content showcasing their skills they have mastered till date. Quick pointers for SAT Essay Writing
- Read the passage with complete concentration understanding the gist
- Analyze the language used by the author to describe the content
- Make pointers in advance to ensure you have a structured analysis
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SAT – Test Location & Dates
SAT Exam Dates USA: In the US, SAT exam dates are available in the following 7 months: January, March, May, June, October, November and December
SAT Test Centers in India
Ahmedabad International School, Ahmedabad | Anjuman Isalm HS, Mumbai | Asan Memorial Senior Secondary School, Chennai |
Assembly Of God Church School, Kolkata | Bangalore International School, Bangalore | Billabong High International School, Bhopal |
Bishop Cotton Boys, Bangalore | Bombay Teacher’s Training College, Mumbai | Canadian International School, Bangalore |
City Montessori Intercollege, Lucknow | Delhi Public School, Ahmedabad | Delhi Public School, Hyderabad |
Ebenezer International School, Bangalore | G D Goenka World School, Haryana | Good Shepherd International School, Ootacamund |
Kodaikanal International School, Kodaikanal | LA Martiniere for Boys School, Kolkata | Learning Paths School, Mohali |
Mahindra United World Col of India, Pune | Mother’s Public School, Bhubaneshwar | Navrachana International School, Vadodara |
Oakridge International School, Vishakapatnam | Pathways World School, Gurgaon | Sacred Heart College, Cochin |
Sai International School, Bhubaneshwar | Sangam School of Excellence, Bhilwara | Sanskritithe Gurukul, Guwahati |
South City International School, Kolkata | Spring Dale Senior School, Amritsar | Sreenidhi International School, Telangana |
St Michael’s Senior Secondary School, New Delhi | Step by Step International School, Jaipur | Swati Jain College, Indore |
The Cathedral + John Connon, Mumbai | The Doon School, Dehradun | The Galaxy School, Rajkot |
The International School, Bangalore | United States – India Educational Foundation, American Center – Kolkata | Uniti Foundation, Hyderabad |
University of Pune, Pune | USIEF, New Delhi | Woodstock School, Mussoorie |
SAT Test Centres in Mumbai
Address: Opp. Cst Station, Mumbai, India
Center Code: 63108
Address: Mahakavi Bhushan Marg, Mumbai, India
Center Code: 63107
Address: 6, Purshottamdas Thakurdas Marg,, Mumbai, India
Center Code: 63185
Our counsellors can help you plan a strategy for taking the right SAT test dates and help you with the registration.
Connect with us for a Free SAT Consultation Today!
SAT Scoring & Results
Reporting of SAT Scores:
In order for the Scores to be sent to Universities, the board provides four reports to be sent free of cost, but the same will be available for upto nine days only. In order to place a request for additional score reports, an additional fee USD 11.25 needs to paid. In case a test taker wants to send his report by first-class mail or electronically, the same is possible in two business days by paying a premium for USD 31.
SAT Score Structure:
Score Analysis | Score Range |
Total Score – Two Sections | 400 to 600 |
Section Scores (2) – Reading, Writing & Math | 200 to 800 |
Test Scores (3) – Reading, Writing Eng & Math | 10 to 40 |
SAT Essay Scores – Optional | 2 to 8 |
Cross Test Scores | 10 to 40 |
Subscores | 1 to 15 |
Upon completion of your SAT Test, if the Test taker is not satisfied with his/her performance, they can very well go ahead and cancel their scores. Incase the test taker decides to cancel the score after leaving the test center, they must do so before 11.59 PM Eastern Time on the following Wednesday post the test day.
Understand your SAT Score:
The Collegeboard uses a three pronged approach to analyze your SAT answer script. Your SAT score will be calculated in the following manner:
- Raw score: The SAT comprises 3 parts, viz, Critical Reading, Mathematics, and Writing. Each section of the examination is scored separately. For each correct answer, you will receive credit and for each wrong answer, 0.25 marks will be subtracted from your total score. However, in the ‘grid in questions’ of the Mathematics section there is no negative marking. Also, for the essay writing you will receive a separate score, which will be mentioned separately in your score card. The total score that you receive on adding all the correct answers and subtracting 1/4th for all the wrong answers, result in your ‘raw score’
- Scaled score: The ‘raw score’ that you receive is now converted to a ‘scaled score’. This is done by considering the score that you receive for Critical Reading and Mathematics section as it is converted to a scale ranging from 200 to 800. The Writing section score is also converted on a scale of 200 to 800, but the essay is scored separately, and its score can range from 2 to 12.
- Percentile rank: Depending on your scaled score and the performance of the other candidates taking the same test, Collegeboard will provide a percentile rank. For example, if you receive 55 as your percentile rank then, this means that 45 students (45%) have scored more than you and 55 students (55%) have scored less than you.
However, your score card will only reflect your ‘scaled score’ and your ‘percentile rank’. It will also mention your essay writing score separately. Thus, your SAT result will represent your scholastic abilities to the maximum. Nonetheless, it is important to interpret your score correctly so that your plan to approach your university applications is correctly done. Given this point, it is important to note that no two scores of the same value scored on two different dates is the same ie. for eg. a student who has scored 1900 (overall) a year prior to your SAT score of 1900 in the current year are different because the percentile rank will determine the how many students scored have score over 1900 in the current year as against the previous year
SAT Superscore:
Superscoring is the process by which colleges consider your highest section scores across all the dates you took the SAT. Universities thus can look at the highest possible composite score from more than one SAT test that you have appeared for. Many Universities do NOT entertain super scores in SAT. eg. University of California campuses like UC Berkeley, UCLA and other campuses do not look at super scores.
Cancellation / Rescheduling / Retake SAT Exam
IF the test taker decides to cancel the registration for their SAT Exam, following points to be taken in consideration
- Registration fees will not be refunded, less than five days before the test day
- If the test taker cancels the registration more than five days before the test date, only USD 10 will be refunded from the original amount
- The refunds will be processed six weeks after the exam date
- In case the test taker ordered for additional test reports, it will be refunded only if the test taker is absent on the test day.
- Refunds will be in the form of original mode of payment
Rescheduling of SAT Exam:
IF for any reason, the test taker cannot take the SAT Exam on the original date, rescheduling is a better option, rather than paying the registration fee all over again. Pointers for Rescheduling SAT Exam
- In case the test takers is absent on the test date, one can change the test date, rather than re-registering got the Exam by paying USD 28
- If you have made a mistake while filling out your information, Name, Date of Birth, Sex, you are required to update the changes within no less than five days of the date
- One can change from SAT to SAT with Essay without a change fee, but the difference amount between the two tests needs to be paid
Make-up Testing
If for any reason, your test centre is not functional on the test day, a make-up test may scheduled at your center – will be notified by SAT program. Conditions for Make – Up Tests
- Only applicable for registered students. Not valid for Retest
- One must bring the updated test ticket with all the required details
- Make-up test will only be carried at the original authorized test center
- You must take the entire test at a makeup administration.
- Sunday testing is available for religious reasons only. You may not test on Sunday if you missed the test on Saturday.
- The availability of makeup testing and the conditions under which test-takers are entitled to take a makeup test are at the sole discretion of the College Board.
SAT Exam Retakes:
The test taker can retake the SAT Exam as many times as they wish to on the available dates. It is definitely not a wise idea as some Universities demand all the scores from each attempt even if they would consider the best score – Not advisable as it allows them to form an opinion about your application.
We advise our students to be well prepared and book the test in advance.
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SAT Common Questions
Can I Cancel My Scores?
Yes. If you finish the test and think you want to cancel your scores, you should ask the test supervisor for a “Request to Cancel Test Scores” form. You can submit the completed form immediately at the testing center, or you can think about it for a day or two before mailing it to ETS. However, ETS must receive your request form no later than the Wednesday after the test.
Am I allowed to use a calculator in SAT Exam?
Yes, but it is not required.
Do I need to take both the ACT and SAT test?
No. Only one of the two tests. Often students who have not scored well on of the tests may tend to take the other test. Universities will consider only the scores of the test that you eventually choose to report
SAT is required to apply for Universities in which countries?
SAT is required only by US Universities and Colleges. Only some specific Institutions across the world otherwise like the NUS may need SAT if you have studied in a non-IBDP board. SAT is not required to study in other popular destinations like the UK, Canada, Ireland, Australia, NZ, etc.
What is a good SAT score?
Well, we would say there is no bad score in SAT. However, we suggest our students to aim at 2100 or higher. That is ambitious. Any score above is 1700 is generally considered good and we have had students joining some of the topmost Universities with such a score
What is Score Choice?
Score Choice allows a student to select which scores to report. With Score Choice, you can put your best foot forward by choosing which scores you send to colleges and universities. Students are only able to select which scores they send by test date for the SAT and by individual test for SAT Subject Tests. Scores from an entire SAT test are sent. Students can choose, by test date (test sitting), which scores appear on the score report sent to colleges, universities, or scholarship programs. Students cannot, for example, send just their math score.
What is the average SAT score?
The national average score for the SAT is 1500. Frankly we ask students to appear for the SAT again if they score a 1700.
What type of MATH is on the SAT?
The math section of the SAT includes arithmetic, geometry, algebra, probability, and statistics. Typically, its your 10th Math but which requires more analytical powers
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SAT Coaching & Quick Tips on SAT from ILW
- Small student batches – never more than 5 students in a batch!
- Flexible timings you can select during the week, in the weekends, in the evenings
- Coaching can run from 2.5 months to 4 months (generally thrice a week)
- Additional hours are provided for students who cannot cope with the learning
- Study material is provided
- Free help with SAT registration is provided
- Fast track coaching is available where you can be prepared for the test within 30 days. This is especially useful for students who have appeared for the test once and have not been able to get the expected score
ILW provides coaching for SAT I. For further details kindly contact us on +91 9820864001
Quick Notes for your SAT Exam
- All multiple choice questions in each section are weighted equally
- The key to crack these test is practice!
- Start reading newspapers – it will be useful in improving your language
- Focus on the concepts taught in Math & English until High School
- Keep taking practice tests – it will give u a good heads up on your performance
- No Negative marking – Make sure you attempt all the questions
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